Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday Prompt: Susan Siddeley: Resolution


Resolution is Clarke’s sandals, sunhats, canvas shopping bags and flowered umbrellas. Resolution can feel like a scrubbing brush, smell like chlorine or sound like a dentist’s drill, but resolution’s aftertaste is pure chirimoya.
            I rise with resolution every morning - in January at least. It’s an inspiring, energising thing, though possibly a tad wearing by lunchtime, like a husband home on holiday. Resolution is a corset that helps me stand tall, but which takes a lot of getting into and even more fiddling to get out of.
            If I ever have another baby - and my husband and I keep saying we really should try for another, given the success we’ve had with our previous ones, and now there are disposable diapers and Hummer strollers to help you along - we’ll definitely name it Resolution.
            Yes, my new goal; a baby called Resolution to keep me busy, involved and up to date. Plus, Resolution fits very nicely with the latest trend in keeping a baby’s gender secret, so sturdily male, yet vibrantly female. Yes, I can and I shall, this year, go for a little Resolution.  Resolution Siddeley.

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